Occupational-Environmental Control, Inc.

421 Oakwood Trail
Fairview, Texas  75069-8724

Phone: 972/529-4300
Fax: 972/547-9900
email: info@oeci.com



Curriculum Vitae (8-15-2014)





Master of Science - Environmental Sciences, The University of Texas at Dallas, August 1978.


Bachelor of Arts - Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas, August 1970.




September, 1985 to Present


Occupational-Environmental Control, Inc. (OEC) - An Industrial Hygiene and Environmental testing/consulting firm founded in 1981.


Position: President


Duties as President and principal consultant include the administration of all business activities and professional services.  OEC specializes in Industrial Hygiene and Environmental services.  Services performed include work place industrial hygiene monitoring for physical and chemical agents; industrial ventilation design and testing/evaluation;  indoor environmental quality assess­ments, which includes testing/inspection for biological agents, radon determination, pesticide air monitoring, and other chemical, physical, and biological agent determinations. 


Additional experience includes environmental auditing; Material Safety Data Sheet research and preparation; clean room evaluation for biological and particulate contamination; development of sampling methodology and protocol for monitoring of airborne concentrations of chemical, physical, and biological agents.


September, 1981 to September, 1985


A leading worldwide supplier of Energy/Industrial Equipment and Services.


Position: Corporate Senior Industrial Hygienist


Duties included the Corporate responsibility for identifying environmental health hazards, direct­ing efforts of evaluating exposure potential and developing long range plans to control or eliminate chemical and ergonomic stresses that may impair employee health and/or comfort, or adversely affect the health or quality of life of other members of the community.  The respon­sibilities of this position included close consultation with Operating Management, Medical Profes­sionals, Organized Labor Representatives and Federal, State and Local Regulatory Agencies.


Additional responsibilities included administration of activities concerning toxic and hazardous materials, potable water systems, air and water pollution.  The implementation of this function re­quired the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct comprehensive environmental audits of various operating facilities; design and engineer contaminant controls on treatment systems; and administer emergency response procedures to be initiated in the event of a leak, spill or other en­vironmental incident.


This position also required participation on various long range planning task force assignments in such areas as pre-placement medical evaluation and Health/Medical DATA BASE management.


April, 1977 to September, 1981


A leading producer of Portland Cement, cement and concrete products, aggregate, masonry products, coal and steel in the Southeastern United States.


Position: Corporate Senior Industrial Hygienist


Duties included the corporate responsibility for the recognition, evaluation and control of work place physical, chemical, and ergonomic stresses that may impair employee health and/or com­fort, or adversely affect the health of or quality of life of other members of the community.  Primary health hazards included respirable and nuisance dust, toxic contaminants, noise, and radia­tion.


Additional environmental responsibilities included administration of activities concerning toxic substances control, potable water systems, air pollution control, environmental noise, and water pollution control.  Also served as Corporate "Radiation Protection Officer" as designated by the Texas Department of Health.


June, 1973 to April, 1977


A leading worldwide manufacturer of automotive lead-acid storage batteries.


Position: Safety and Health Coordinator


Duties included the recognition, evaluation and control of work place physical, chemical and er­gonomic stresses that may impair employee health and/or comfort.  Primary health hazards were airborne lead, arsenic, antimony, acid mist, noise, and heat stress.  Eighty percent of time spent in Industrial Hygiene activities, and twenty percent was spent in safety oriented functions.




Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 1982/83, 1994/95, & 1996/97

Outstanding Young Men in America, 1984

Personalities of the South, 1982/83

Two Thousand Notable Americans, 1984/85




"Ventilation System Design," Copyright 1980, presents a flow chart logic system to aid engineers having basic industrial ventilation knowledge, in the design of multi-factor ventilation systems.


"Environmental Noise Assessment - Garland, Texas" - August, 1977, Graduate Program in En­vironmental Sciences, The University of Texas at Dallas.


"Environmental Noise Assessment of Dallas, Texas - Love Field Area" - March 1977, Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences, The University of Texas at Dallas.


"Focus on Construction Safety" or "Better Safe Than Sorry," Article based on an interview published in the Dal­las / Fort Worth Construction News, February 2007.


Industrial Hygiene Surveys of Workplace Environment – Approximately 30-minute video recorded broadcast interview with Paul Adrain of KDFW Fox 4 News, May 2004.


                A Summary of the Texas Mold Assessment and Remediation Regulations – An approximately one-hour overview of the Texas regulations pertaining to mold assessment and remediation presented to insurance claims adjusters.


Molds and Indoor Air Quality – American Industrial Hygiene Association – North Texas Local Section, Presentations entitled “Interpretation of Airborne Mold Sampling Results” and “Discovery of Mold as a Result of a Water Event”, Dallas, Texas, July 10, 2001.


Mold in Our Environment – Presentation to the Dallas City Council, Environmental Health Commission.  May 7, 2001.


Molds and Indoor Air Quality – American Industrial Hygiene Association – North Texas Local Section, Presentations entitled “Interpretation of Airborne Mold Sampling Results” and “Factors that Affect Airborne Mold Concentrations Prior to, or During, Remediation”, Arlington, Texas, March 28, 2001.


Indoor Environmental Quality - Presented for the Public Outreach Subcommittee of the Local Conference Committee at the American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition - Dallas, May 21, 1997.


                Industrial Hygiene Evaluation Methodology - Presented for North Texas Cement Company, April 7, 1997.


                Indoor Environmental Quality - 22 minute recorded broadcast interview with Jim Ryan of WBAP Radio, April 1997.


                Indoor Environmental Quality - Interview and nationwide distribution with the Associated Press, April 1997.


                Industrial Hygiene Evaluation Methodology - Presented for Texas Industries, Inc., May 8, 1996.


                Air Monitoring, Satellite Interactive Panel Presentation May 19, 1995 - Safety Network, Inc. - Presented at EDS Communication Studios in Dallas, Texas.


                Indoor Environmental Quality, Presented May 18, 1995 - E-Systems - Dallas, Texas.


Bioaerosols and the Indoor Environment, National Environmental Health Association, 1994 Annual Educational Conference, Radisson Plaza Hotel, Fort Worth, Texas, June 22, 1994.


Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health, Training Requirements of 29 CFR 1910, Presented for Texas Industries, Inc., February 5 and 19, 1992.


Toxic/Hazardous Substances in Your Home, Presented for the City of Plano at the Clark Recrea­tion Center, February 28 and October 8, 1991, Plano, Texas.


"Indoor Air Quality and the Office Environment" or "The Tight Stuff," Article published in the Dal­las Business Journal, March 26, 1990.


Indoor Environmental Quality - Interview and International broadcast with CNN Correspondent Chris Abel, 1990.


"Region III Professional Development Conference" sponsored by the American Industrial Hygiene Association and the American Society of Safety Engineers, presentation entitled Investigation and Mitigation of Indoor Air Quality Problems with Emphasis on Bioaerosols, August 1990, San An­tonio, Texas.


"Annual Spring Conference of the Texas Association of Municipal Health Officials," Presentation entitled Bioaerosols, Air Quality, and the Indoor Environment, May 1990, Houston, Texas.


"Symposium on Indoor Air Pollution" - Moderator - Sponsored by the North Texas Sections of the American Industrial Hygiene Association and the Air and Waste Management Association - January 30, 1990.


"Symposium on Indoor Air Pollution" - Presentation entitled Bioaerosols and the Indoor Environ­ment - Sponsored by the North Texas Sections of the American Industrial Hygiene Association and the Air and Waste Management Association - January 30, 1990.


"Industrial Hygiene Review Course" - Instructor in Industrial Ventilation - presented by the North Texas Section of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, May 1989.


"Planning Forum: Planning Research Laboratories for Education and Research; Institutions and Industry,"  Presentation entitled Indoor Air Quality and Evaluation - January, 1989, Houston, Texas.


"Tri-Tex Industrial Hygiene Conference - Houston, Texas" - Presentation entitled Evaluation of Airborne Fungal Agents - October, 1988, sponsored by the Gulf Coast, Texas Hill Country, and North Texas Local Sections of the American Industrial Hygiene Association.


"Industrial Hygiene Review Course" - Instructor in Industrial Ventilation - presented by the North Texas Section of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, May 1987.


"The Hazard Communications Act" - Presenter - The Texas Masonry Association, February, 1986.


"Texas Southwestern Safety Conference & Exposition" - Speaker - Hazard Communication – 1984.


"Hazardous Material Management Symposium" American Society of Safety Engineers - served as Speaker: Preparation of Material Safety Data Sheets - June 1983.


"Industrial Hygiene Fundamentals Course" - American Industrial Hygiene Association - served as Instructor in Industrial Ventilation - 1981.


                "Basic Industrial Hygiene" - American Industrial Hygiene Association - served as Instructor in In­dustrial Ventilation and Hazard Recognition - 1981. Texas Southwestern Safety Conference & Exposition" - Speaker - Occupational Health Hazards: Aggregate & Concrete Materials.


                Texas Industries, Inc. – Industrial Ventilation Design.  A 40-hour multifactor ventilation system design course developed for engineers.  Presented to corporate engineering staff on two occasions at Texas Industries, Inc., Dallas, Texas.  1978 and 1979.


                The University of Texas - Dallas, Post-Graduate Course - Environmental Sciences - Presentation en­titled, Lead and Industry, 1978.




Certified in the Comprehensive Practice of Industrial Hygiene by the American Board of In­dustrial Hygiene, October 1979 (Certificate #1741).  The American Board of Industrial Hygiene is accredited by the Council of Engineering and Scientific Specialty Boards, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI Standard ISO/IEC 17024) and is an International Occupational Hygiene Association Recognized Certification Board.


Certified in the Sub-Specialty of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene, May 1994.


Licensed Mold Assessment Consultant by the Texas Department of State Health Services – License Number MAC0194.


Diplomate of the American Academy of Industrial Hygiene.


"Full Member" of the American Industrial Hygiene Association - National Affiliation since 1977.


Distinguished “Fellow” award presented by the American Industrial Hygiene Association – March 2012.


“Associate Member” of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist (ACGIH).


Licensed Amateur Radio Operator: FCC Extra Class – N5YZ.


“Member” of Collin County (Texas) Medical Reserve Corps.


                “Member” of Collin County Amateur Radio Emergency Service.


                “Member” of the McKinney Amateur Radio Club,  Treasurer 2014 – present.


                “Member” of the American Radio Relay League.


American Industrial Hygiene Association - Chair of Opening Ceremony Subcommittee and Member of Community Outreach Subcommittee - American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition - Dallas – 1997.


American Industrial Hygiene Association - Engineering Committee Member 1981-1984


American Industrial Hygiene Association - Arrangements Committee Chair­ 1986 American Industrial Hygiene Conference.


"Member" of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers.


Member of the Environmental Protection Agency - Region 6 - Southwest Indoor Air Network


Qualified as a Field Safety Representative within the meaning of the Texas Worker's Compensation Act, Texas Labor Code, Section 411.062;  File 93356.


American Industrial Hygiene Association - North Texas Section Member since 1975; Chair of Science Fairs Awards Committee circa 1986 - present; Chair of Technical Committee - 1981; President-Elect - 1982; President - 1983; Director - 1983/84; Direc­tor 1986 – 1990; Director 2006 - 2009.


Texas Industrial Hygiene Council - Co-Founder, Appointed Representative of the North Texas Section of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, Treasurer 1993 – 2003, President 2003 - 2006.  Participated successfully in the promulgation of the Industrial Hygiene Title Recognition Act in the State of Texas 76th Legislature (1999).


"Professional Member" American Society of Safety Engineers, National and Local Affiliation since 1974 - Executive Committee Member 1976 and 1977.


"Chair" of 1983 Tri-Tex Industrial Hygiene Conference.


"Approved Instructor" - Noise and Dust, by the Mining Safety and Health Administration (MSHA); Certified Person "Sampling" and "Maintenance and Calibration" under MSHA Coal Min­ing Regulations.




Participant in American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition – San Antonio 2014, Montreal 2013, Indianapolis 2012, Portland, Oregon 2011, Denver 2010, Minneapolis 2008, Philadelphia 2007, Chicago 2006, Anaheim 2005, Atlanta 2004, Dallas 2003, San Diego 2002, New Orleans 2001, Orlando 2000, Toronto 1999, Atlanta 1998, Dallas 1997, Washington, DC 1996, Kansas City 1995, Anaheim 1994, New Orleans 1993, Boston 1992, Salt Lake City 1991, Orlando 1990, Saint Louis 1989, San Francisco 1988, Montreal 1987, Dallas 1986, Las Vegas 1985, Detroit 1984, Philadelphia 1983, Cincinnati 1982, Portland 1981, Houston 1980, Chicago 1979, and Los Angeles 1978.  The AICHE is co-sponsored by the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist (ACGIH) and is presented annually for industrial hygienists and other environmental health and safety professionals worldwide.  It consists of a minimum of 4.5 days of programs and technical sessions, plus an additional two days of professional development courses.


“North Texas AIHA/OSHA Topics in Industrial Hygiene Update” – American Industrial Hygiene Association (North Texas Section), American Society of Safety Engineers (Southwest & Fort Worth Chapters), Occupational Safety and Health Administration Region VI and University of Texas at Arlington – September 21, 2012 – 9 hours.


“North Texas AIHA Specialized Topics in Industrial Hygiene” – American Industrail Hygiene Association (North Texas Section), August 2, 2012 – 6 hours.


“Personal Disaster Preparedness” – Collin County Department of Homeland Security/Medical Reserve Corps, January 26, 2012, 2 hours.


“North Texas AIHA/OSHA Topics in Industrial Hygiene Update” – American Industrial Hygiene Association (North Texas Section), American Society of Safety Engineers (Southwest & Fort Worth Chapters), Occupational Safety and Health Administration Region VI and University of Texas at Arlington – September 22, 2011 – 9 hours.


“Allergens and Bacteria” - Presented by EmLab P&K Microbiology Laboratory – Dr. Harriet Burge – April 12, 2011 – 3 hours.


“Mold Assessment Consultant Refresher” – GEBCO Associates in cooperation with The University of North Texas – October 18, 2010 - 8 hours.

“2010 Professional Conference on Industrial Hygiene” – The American Industrial Hygiene Association Academy of Industrial Hygiene,  Fort Worth, Texas – October 11 – 12, 2010.  It consists of a minimum of 2 days of programs and technical sessions, plus an additional two days of professional development courses.


“2010 OSHA / MSHA Regulatory Update” – American Industrial Hygiene Association, North Texas Section & American Society of Safety Engineers, Fort Worth and Southwest Chapters – September 17, 2010 – 8 hours.


“OSHA AIHA Seminar: Current Topics in Industrial Hygiene”- Sponsored by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) at the University of Texas at Arlington - April 23, 2010 – 8 Hours.


USP <797> Environmental Sampling, United States Pharmacopeia – National Formulary, presented by Environmental Microbiology Laboratory – Dr. Joseph Manfrida – March 3, 2010 – 1.5 hours.


“Explosive Dusts in Industrial Ventilation Systems” – American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist Webinar – January 27, 2010 – 2.5 hours.


“AIHA OSHA UTA Seminar: An Industrial Hygiene Update” – Sponsored by the American Industrial Hygiene Association – North Texas Section,  Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Region VI & the University of Texas at Arlington –  December 10, 2009 – 8 hours.


“Pandemic Influenza Preparedness:  OSHA 7210” The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Region VI Education Center, The University of Texas at Arlington – September 23, 2009 – 8 hours.


“2009 OSHA / MSHA Regulatory Update” – American Industrial Hygiene Association, North Texas Section & American Society of Safety Engineers, Fort Worth and Southwest Chapters – September 15, 2009 – 8 hours.


“Mold Assessment Consultant Refresher” – GEBCO Associates in cooperation with The University of North Texas – October 23, 2008 - 8 hours.


                “2008 AIHA / ASSE OSHA Regulatory Update” - American Industrial Hygiene Association, North Texas Section / American Society of Safety Engineers, Southwest Chapter – October 7, 2008 – 8 hours.


“IS-00700: Introduction to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) the Incident Command System” ICS 100 – Emergency Management Institute – FEMA, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, September 6, 2008, 3 hours.


“IS-00100.a: Introduction to the Incident Command System” ICS 100 – Emergency Management Institute – FEMA, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, August 30, 2008, 3 hours.


“Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) for New Construction (NC) and Existing Buildings (EB): Basics and the Industrial Hygienist's Role” – American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition – Minneapolis – June 1, 2008, 8 hours.


“Indoor Air Quality Seminar: Mold, Bacteria, Asbestos, Radon, Industrial Hygiene Sampling Techniques & Data Interpretation” – Presented by Environmental Microbiology Laboratory – Dr. Harriet Burge and Dave Gallup – May 19, 2008 – 8 hours.


“Control Banding: Uses and Misuses” – American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Webinar presented February 12, 2008 – 2.5 hours.


“Teen Drivers: Dead or Alive?” Traffic Safety Summit sponsored by: Citizens for Traffic Safety of Greater Dallas, North Texas Trauma Regional Advisory Committee, American Society of Safety Engineers (Southwest Chapter), Texas Transportation Institute, and Injury Prevention Center of Greater Dallas – November 15, 2007 – 6 hours.


“Mold Assessment Consultant Refresher” – GEBCO Associates in cooperation with The University of North Texas – November 20, 2006 - 8 hours.


“OSHA / MSHA Regulatory Update” – American Industrial Hygiene Association, North Texas Section – September 26, 2006 – 8 hours.


“Expert Witness Testimony: Practical Applications for Mold Case Law and Depositions” – American Industrial Hygiene Association, 2006 TeleWeb Virtual Seminar Series – J. Wylie Donald, Esq., McCarter & English, LLP, Baltimore, MD – June 27, 2006 – 2.5 hours.


“Bacteria, Sampling, and Data Interpretation” – Presented by Environmental Microbiology Laboratory – Mark WallinApril 7, 2006 – 8 hours.


“Mold, Allergens, Sampling, and Data Interpretation” – Presented by Environmental Microbiology Laboratory – Dr. Payam FallahApril 6, 2006 – 8 hours.


“Mold, Allergens, Sampling, and Data Interpretation” – Presented by Environmental Microbiology Laboratory – Dr. Harriet Burge and Dave Gallup – April 7, 2005 – 8 hours.


“Mold Assessment and Remediation” – Presented by GEBCO Associates – Hurst, Texas – September 27, 2004 – 8 hours.


“Fifth International Indoor Air Quality Symposium: Indoor Air Quality Research – New Directions,” American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition – Dallas 2003, 8 hours.


“Environmental Mold: State of the Science,” - American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition – Dallas 2003, 8 hours.


“Mold: A Problem of Biblical Proportions?” – CNA Insurance Companies and Victor O. Schinnerer Company, Inc., Dallas, Texas, October 31, 2002, 4 hours.


Participant in ORC Western Occupational Safety & Health Group – Quarterly Meeting, Organization Resources counselors, Inc., San Francisco, September 16 & 17, 1998, 12 hours.


“Reducing Community Outrage: Risk Communication in Controversy,” American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition – Atlanta 1998, 8 hours.


“Practical Aspects of Hand-Arm and Whole Body Vibration Measurement and Control,” American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition – Atlanta 1998, 8 hours.


“Extremely Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic Field Fundamentals,” American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition - Dallas 1997, 4 hours.


“Indoor Air Quality Symposium,” - American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition - Dallas 1997, 8 hours.


“Indoor Air Quality: The Human Side,” American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition - Washington, DC 1996 - 8 hours.


“Current Issues and Development with Environmental Audits,” American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition - Washington, DC 1996 - 4 hours.


“Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene Law,” American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition - Washington, DC 1996 - 4 hours.


“Occupational Epidemiology and Exposure Assessment,” American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition - Kansas City 1995 - 4 hours.


“Application of Tracer Gas Techniques to Industrial Hygiene Investigations,” American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition - Kansas City 1995 - 4 hours.


"Lead Paint Inspections/Abatement," American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition - New Orleans 1993 - 4 hours.


"Heat Stress -- The TLV & Other Things You Have to Know,” American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition - New Orleans 1993 - 4 hours.


"Introduction to Biological Safety Cabinets," American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposi­tion - Boston 1992 - 4 hours.


"Licensing, Lobbying, and Legislative Affairs for Industrial Hygienists," Boston 1992 - 4 hours.


"Nonionizing Radiation and Fields Measurement Workshop," American Industrial Hygiene Con­ference and Exposition - Salt Lake City 1991 - 8 hours.


"Aerosol Measurement," American Industrial Hygiene Conference - Orlando 1990, 4 hours.


"Indoor Air Quality and Radon Evaluation Strategies," American Industrial Hygiene Conference - Saint Louis 1989, 8 hours.


"International Symposium on Indoor Air Quality," American Industrial Hygiene Conference - Saint Louis 1989, 7 hours.


"The ACGIH Guidelines for Bioaerosol Sampling," American Industrial Hygiene Conference - San Francisco 1988, 8 hours.


"Procedures and Practices of Asbestos Abatement" - Certified as "Competent Person" to supervise asbestos abatement projects - Building Codes Inspection Training Division, Texas Engineering Ex­tension Service, The Texas A&M University System, College Station, Texas, July 1987 - 32 hours.


"Current Techniques for Asbestos Sampling and Analysis," American Industrial Hygiene Con­ference - Montreal, 1987, 4 hours.


"Application of Advanced Techniques to Hood Design," American Industrial Hygiene Conference - Montreal, 1987, 4 hours.


"Industrial Hygiene in the Office Environment" - American Industrial Hygiene Conference - Las Vegas, 1985 - 8 hours.


"Environmental Audits Course" - Government Institutes, Inc. - April, 1985 - 8 hours.


"1984 RCRA Amendments" - Environmental Protection Agency - April, 1985 - 8 hours.


"Right to Know Laws and the Industrial Hygienist" - American Industrial Hygiene Conference - Philadelphia - 1983 - 8 hours.


"Management Development One" - Dresser Leadership Center - 48 hours.


“Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System” – Advanced Training Course – National Library of Medicine – UT Southwestern Medical School – 1983 – 8 hours.


"Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Training Course" – National Library of Medicine - UCLA School of Medicine - 1982 - 36 hours.


Participant in National Safety Congress Exposition - Chicago - 1981.


"Resource Conservation & Recovery Act Symposium" - American Industrial Hygiene Association - 4 hours.


"Occupational Health - Data Base Management" - University of Cincinnati, Kettering Laboratory - 20 hours.


"Selling Industrial Hygiene" - American Industrial Hygiene Conference - Portland - 1981 - 4 hours.


“Noise and Dust Instructor Certification Training Course” – presented by the Mining Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) at training facility in McAlester, OK.  March 1981 – 16 hours.


"Bulldozer Noise Control" - U. S. Bureau of Mines, Department of Interior - Denver - 1980 - 8 hours.


"On the Job Industrial Hygiene Training" - American Industrial Hygiene Conference - Houston - 1980 - 3 hours.


"Ionizing Radiation Protection" - Presented by Texas Nuclear, Inc. - October, 1979 - 28 hours.


"Industrial Ventilation" - Short course sponsored by American Industrial Hygiene Association/U.S. Department of Labor and Presented by Texas A & M University - 7 hours.


"Occupational Health Aspects of OSHA Regulations" - Short course sponsored by American In­dustrial Hygiene Association/U. S. Department of Labor and presented by Texas A & M Univer­sity - 8 hours.


"Advanced Safety Study Course" - American Society of Safety Engineers - 12 hours of Industrial Hygiene - 12 hours Chemistry and 66 hours Miscellaneous.


"Non-Community Drinking Water Systems" - sponsored by the Texas Department of Health and presented by Texas A & M University - April, 1979 - 4 hours.


"Air and Gas Cleaning" - American Industrial Hygiene Conference - Chicago, 1979 - 4 hours.


"Occupational Exposure Sampling Strategy and Statistical Analysis of Data" - American Industrial Hygiene Conference - Chicago - 1979 - 4 hours.


"Personal Sampling for Gases and Vapors" - American Industrial Hygiene Conference - Los An­geles - 1978 - 3 hours.


"Respirable Dust Sampling" - American Industrial Hygiene Conference - Los Angeles - 1978 - 2 hours.


"Fibrogenic Dust" - American Industrial Hygiene Conference - Los Angeles - 1978 - 2 hours.


"Principles of Noise Reduction" - American Industrial Hygiene Conference - Los Angeles - 1978 - 2 hours.


"Industrial Hygiene for Mining and Tunneling" - A Topical Symposium - Denver, Colorado - November, 1978 - 24 hours.


"Noise Measurement and Control Techniques" - B & K Instruments - August, 1978 - 8 hours.


“Respiratory Protections Programs and OSHA” – Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California, Los Alamos, New Mexico, April 26-29, 1977 – 32 hours.


“Orientation Seminar on Safety Management” – Employers Insurance of Wausau – Dallas, Texas – May 25-27, 1976 – 24 hours.


                "The Occupational Safety and Health Act" - Eastfield College.